Fully Funded UKAWE and Swansea PhD Scholarship: A Multimaterial Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) Scheme for Shock Hydrodynamics (RS380)

Fully Funded UKAWE and Swansea PhD Scholarship: A Multimaterial Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) Scheme for Shock Hydrodynamics (RS380)

Jul 4, 2023 Posted by:   webmaster No Comments

Project description: 

There is a wealth of Industrial applications which require the use of computer models to understand the nature and behaviour of shock waves in solids caused by intense short-duration disturbances, such as sudden contact-impact loading and/or when a material is exposed to fast temperature changes. For instance, the mechanisms of material failure under a ballistic-shock are crucial in the design of 3D printed elastomer multi-materials, which are of interest to UKAWE.

Current shock-physics simulation codes, which largely rely on industry-optimised Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-based methods, are capable of handling shocks across the entire domain of CFD applications. However, the success of this methodological approach has not been replicated in other fields of science, such as large strain solid dynamics, and its coupling with other physics and with novel materials.

Building upon very recent work made by the supervisory team, this project will investigate a new computational framework using a novel Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formalism written in the form of a system of first-order conservation laws. The resulting conservation-type ALE formulation, which displays striking similarities to that used by the CFD community, has inspired the investigators to adopt conventional CFD algorithms in the novel context of Computational Solid Dynamics. One key contribution of this work is that the physical deformation gradient can be obtained via its multiplicative decomposition into two auxiliary deformation gradient tensors, both computed via additional first-order conservation laws. Crucially, the new ALE conservative formulation will be shown to degenerate into Lagrangian and Eulerian mixed based systems of conservation laws. A Finite Volume/Discontinuous Galerkin/Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics algorithm with Riemann based upwinding stabilisation will be used for the spatial discretisation, exploiting in-house software.

The recruited PhD candidate will become a member of an active research group working on the development and application of cutting edge computational techniques for large strain solid dynamics, dynamic fracture/contact  and computational multi-physics.

Closing date: 24 July 2023

Further information: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate/scholarships/research/civil-engineering-ukawe-su-phd-multimaterial-2022-rs380.php

Open call – PhD position (Loughborough University)

Jun 16, 2023 Posted by:   webmaster No Comments

One 3-year funded PhD position is available at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Loughborough University (UK) to work under the supervision of Dr Marco Discacciati, in collaboration with Dr Matteo Giacomini at the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, Spain).

The PhD project “Computational modelling of water filtration systems” will focus on the development of a new computational framework combining domain decomposition techniques and proper generalised decomposition.

The successful candidate will join Loughborough University and work in close collaboration with the Laboratori de Calcul Numeric at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and CIMNE.

Deadline for application: 30 June 2023

Starting date: October 2023

Full details:


Open call – Postdoc on computational modelling of hydrogen-assisted fracture at Imperial College London

May 18, 2023 Posted by:   webmaster No Comments

Applicants are sought for a postdoc position focusing to work on hydrogen embrittlement modelling. The postdoc will be based at Imperial College London and supervised by Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda. Salary: £43,093 – £50,834. The PDRA will have access to state-of-the-art HPC facilities and will also have the opportunity to (co-)supervise PhD and MSc Theses.

Deadline: May 23, 2023.

For more details and submission of applications check:


Open call – Postdoc on computational modelling of hydrogen-assisted fracture at Imperial College London

Feb 10, 2023 Posted by:   webmaster No Comments

Applicants are sought for a postdoc position focusing to work on hydrogen embrittlement modelling. The postdoc will be based at Imperial College London and supervised by Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda. Salary: £43,093 – £50,834. The PDRA will have access to state-of-the-art HPC facilities and will also have the opportunity to (co-)supervise PhD and MSc Theses. Deadline: February 9, 2023. For more details and submission of applications check:

Open call – Postdoc position in multi-physics solid-state battery modelling (Imperial College London)

Jan 12, 2023 Posted by:   webmaster No Comments

Applicants are sought for an (initially) 2-year post focusing on the use of finite element multi-physics methods for simulating the chemo-mechanical behaviour of solid-state batteries. The postdoc will be co-supervised by Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda (Mechanics of Materials) and by Prof Greg Offer and Dr Monica Marinescu from Imperial’s Battery group. Salary: £43,093 – £50,834. The PDRA will have access to state-of-the-art HPC facilities and will also have the opportunity to (co-)supervise PhD and MSc Theses. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible, as reviewing of applications will start immediately. For more details see:


Open call – Postdoc and PhD positions (Vanderbilt University, USA)

Sep 29, 2021 Posted by:   webmaster No Comments

The Computational Mechanics and Physics Laboratory (https://my.vanderbilt.edu/cpml/) at Vanderbilt University has open PhD and postdoc positions in the area of computational mechanics with applications to ice sheet-shelf modeling. See details here.