Charles Augarde is a Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences and also Head of the Mechanics Research Group in the School.
After graduating in Engineering from Lancaster University he spent six years in industry, working for Manchester City Engineer’s Dept on road, bridge and sewer design and construction, achieving Chartered Engineer (CEng) status in 1992. He then studied for an MSc in Structural Engineering at Heriot-Watt University (1993) and a DPhil (=PhD) at Oxford University (1997), where he was also a College Lecturer at Keble College. After his DPhil and a brief period as a lecturer at the University of Westminster he returned to Oxford as a Departmental Lecturer in Engineering Science (1997-2001) and a College Lecturer at St Anne’s College. Charles joined Durham in 2001 as a Lecturer, was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2007, Reader in 2011 and Professor in 2013.